Wantage Wildcats

Wantage Town Wildcats' Club Roaring on

Wantage Town FC has put together a great set-up at Tugwell field and has over 25 girls between 5-11 years old coming along to their centre each week. In collaboration with their U11s and Serious 4Sport coaching company the centre is thriving and will hopefully be a great hub for local girls to come along and try out football for the first time. 

The centre has been increasing in numbers each week and U11 Girls Manager Jeremy Moor puts it down to combining the centre with their current U11 girls by spreading the word and inviting the players to come along, he said: 

“There is a mix of new starters and some more experienced girls who already play for the club. It has been great to see the enthusiasm in the girls especially the more novice players. We include them all in the warm up and some games. The way we have set up has made it easy to cover with coaches and the admin hasn’t been too scary.”

Wantage Town Wildcats on the ball

Jeremy added, "Having the current U11 girls integrated into the centre is working really well and makes the transition for a girl going into the team much easier. Great work by all involved at the centre and the club, I am sure it will continue to be a success for seasons to come. 

Want to get involved? 

Name: Wantage Town FC SSE Wildcats Centre
Venue: Tugwell Field,
OX12 8HT
Day: Tuesday (weekly)
Time: 17:15 – 18:15
Email: Jeremy.Moor@stfc.ac.uk 

Contact Wantage Town FC Wildcats Centre

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