Long Service Awards
We're delighted to launch our Long Service Awards programme; providing our members and volunteers with recognition for service to the game across our region.
Football simply couldn't exist without volunteers. By introducing recognition for long service we aim to thank those whose extraordinary commitment and dedication to the game has seen them continue to show up week-in and week-out to support their local teams, clubs and leagues.
To support this, we have introduced a volunteer award programme that recognises long service at the following milestones:
15 Years - awarded by Berks & Bucks FA (Coming in season 2024/25 - register now)
25 Years - awarded by Berks & Bucks FA (Coming in season 2024/25 - register now)
40 Years - awarded by Berks & Bucks FA
In addition, to our County Awards, individuals can also apply for a National FA long service award at the following milestone:
50 Years - awarded by The FA
For more information and to apply, please click here
Club & Leagues
As well as individual awards, we also aim to recognise our member clubs and leagues for the service they provide to their local communities, upon reaching a milestone amount of years in the beautiful game.
At present, Clubs can apply for national recognition upon reaching the following milestone:
100 years - awarded by The FA
As we continue to roll out the programme, specific league recognition will become available and we will contact our sanctioned leagues once this is launched.
For more information and to apply, please click here
The FA recognises the valuable service that referees, and those involved in supporting them, perform in our national game.
To reward appropriately the continuous activity of our referees as well as those who support them, continuous service is rewarded for whatever role you play in refereeing e.g. referee, observer, tutor or mentor.
Awards are for 25, 40 & 50 years continuous service.
Apply for Referee Long Service
For more information about Referee Long Service Awards please contact our Referee Department.