BBFA Trophy Plinth

Annual General Meeting

Details of our upcoming AGM 2021

Annual General Meeting 
Berks & Bucks Football Association

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Berks & Bucks Football Association Limited will be held on Tuesday 7th December 2021 via Microsoft Teams* commencing at 7:00pm for the transaction of the business of the company. 

By order of the Board,

Signed Liz Verrall
Chief Executive & Company Secretary

Proposed Agenda (Subject to Change)

1. Chair’s Welcome
2. Presentation of annual accounts for season 2021-22
3. Report on the activities of the Association for season 2020-21
4. Presentation on “Connecting the Game” BBFA’s strategy 2021-24
5. Appointment of a professional body to verify BBFA accounts for 2022-23
6. Articles of Association for Berks & Bucks FA
7. Any other business as declared by Friday 3rd December 2021

*The 2020-21 accounts, Proxy forms and AGM paperwork & Microsoft Teams invite will all be available to clubs and leagues by email no later than Friday 26th November.