
Safeguarding in Berks & Bucks

Information on local safeguarding support services

Safe, Fun and Inclusive Football experiences For All.

Here at Berks & Bucks FA, we offer a range of safeguarding services and training to help create these positive environments and support our clubs, leagues and the wider football community.

We ensure safeguarding standards are met as a requirement of club affiliation and we support clubs to maintain these standards across the season. This includes making unannounced safeguarding visits to clubs and regular support and information sessions.

Our County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer is Graham Fisher. Graham leads our safeguarding work in football across the region, working collaboratively with our affiliated clubs and leagues to ensure football remains safe and fun for all.

If you need to contact Graham for any reason relating to Safeguarding and Welfare in football, he can be reached via the details below: 

Graham Fisher

Graham Fisher
Safeguarding Manager (Designated Safeguarding Officer)

Responsibility for the safeguarding of children, ensuring safeguarding operating standards are met and working collaboratively with, and supporting, Club Welfare Officers and Youth League Welfare Officers.

01235 544894

Here to support you

With over 250 Welfare Officers operating in our grassroots clubs and leagues, regular support is paramount. 

Our Safeguarding Team will send you regular updates and give you opportunities throughout the season to meet and learn more. We understand the importance of this role and the support that Welfare Officers across the region may need during difficult situations.

Below you will find a monthly round-up of topics discussed in our weekly newsletter to all Welfare Officers.

Alternatively, if you are a Welfare Officer and feel you need support or would like to talk to our Designated Safeguarding Officer, please get in touch.

Welfare Officer Weekly Round-up

A quick round-up of topics discussed in May's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Play Safe 2024

• Mental Health Awareness

• DBS service hub details

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in April's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Long service awards

• Safeguarding requirements for affiliation 2024-25

• Report from the Internet Watch Foundation

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in March's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Mental health support

• BBFA Juniors Safeguarding Comic

• Coach complaints

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in February's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Silent support weekend

• Private coaching companies

• Small shinpads

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in January's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Cost of living hub

• Tiny shin pads

• Safeguarding regulations

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in December's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Parent/spectator behaviour

• Coachcast

• Independent review of Play Safe

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in November's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Safeguarding regulations

• Voice of the child

• Parent/Spectator behaviour

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in October's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Coach Behaviour

• Filming and Photography 

• Disability Training

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

A quick round-up of topics discussed in September's Weekly Welfare Officer Newsletters:

• Safeguarding Requirements

• International Clearance

• Parent Behaviour

For full details on each of the topics discussed, please refer back to the weekly newsletters sent on Fridays to all Club and Youth League Welfare Officers.

If you need any further information, or you are not getting the newsletters and would like to, please contact our Designated Welfare Officer, Graham Fisher via

Safeguarding support Meetings

To provide additional support to our Club and League Welfare Officers we host monthly online meetings/update sessions that can be joined live or watched back at a time that suits you.

These dedicated meetings are where Welfare Officers can share ideas, receive updates from the Designated Safeguarding Officer and collectively support each other. If you would like to attend the next meeting, please keep an eye on your emails or contact Graham Fisher via for more information.

Below you will find links to watch the previous three meetings. The full catalogue of previous recordings across the season is available to watch on our YouTube channel

other Safeguarding Support Services

Education, Learning and Development

England Football host a number of courses, learning modules and certifications related to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults for Welfare Officers, Referees, Club & League Committee Members and the wider football community.
To see a complete list of Safeguarding & Welfare related learning, please visit

Reporting Concerns

The welfare & safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults in football is our primary concern. If you or any of your members are concerned about the welfare or safety of a child or vulnerable adult, please Report It to us, using the simple online form, below.

We will treat your concern with the respect and importance that it deserves, all the while keeping the safeguarding of the child or vulnerable adult at the centre of our investigation.
FA Safeguarding Header
Report It

Report a Safeguarding Concern

If you are concerned about the welfare or safety of a child or vulnerable adult in football please Report It online via your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop device by completing our online Report a Concern form.

Please provide as much information as you can so that we can investigate your concern fully.

our wider safeguarding team


Responsibility for the safeguarding of children, ensuring safeguarding operating standards are met and to work collaboratively with, and support, the Club Welfare Officers and Youth League Welfare Officers.


01235 544894

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer - Robert Roslyn
Senior Safeguarding Lead - Liz Verrall
Deputy Senior Safeguarding Lead - Alastair Kay
Board Safeguarding Champion - John Horsley

For all safeguarding enquiries please contact the Designated Safeguarding Officer, via:

01235 544894